BRUSSELS WEIGHTLIFTING SCHOOL Weightlifting, powerlifting and physical preparation school in Ixelles/Watermael-Boitsfort

Youth school



Holiday camps for teens




Louis snatch
Words 2

Weightlifting is not only an Olympic sport, it is also used in a variety of other sports as a means to develop basic physical skills.

Weightlifting can be beneficial to all and that’s why our youth school is dedicated to children from 9 to 15 years old, girls and boys, regardless of their skill level, morphology, etc. 

Our mission is to introduce young athletes to weightlifting, but also to develop general coordination and basic physical abilities as well as teach muscle strengthening techniques. Coordination, flexibility, explosivity, balance and concentration are key skills that we will be looking to improve.

Classes are scheduled on Saturdays from 10 to 11.30 am. They are given in small groups by one of our state qualified instructors in one of the best clubs of Belgium

If you are not yet convinced about the benefits of weightlifting for children, here is a video that might change your mind:  Does Weight Training Stunt Growth In Children?


Age range :

Boys and girls aged 9 to 15


Schedule :

Saturday 10am to 11.30am

Address :

Click here for full address and map

Pricing :

1st child : 100€/year

2nd child : 90€ /year

 3rd child: 80€ /year

(Including insurance)

Registration process

Your child wants to sign up? Please fill in the form below and wire the needed amount on the Brussels Weightlifting School ASBL bank account BE35 3630 1972 with communication “Name surname – youth school”. Insurance is included in the fee. 

Questions ? Send us an email at We will reply as soon as possible. 

Registration form - Teen WL camp

Registration form for our teenager camp during school holidays

Is your child allowed to leave the camp alone ?
Do you consent to pictures being taken ?
Personal data